Founded in 1987 as an independent affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, Cape Fear Habitat has served more than 200 hard-working families through the construction and rehabilitation of homes throughout Pender, Duplin, and New Hanover Counties. Each year thousands of community members come together as volunteers, donors, and future homeowners to become part of the solution to this region's affordable housing crisis.
Who We Serve
Habitat homebuyers are of low to moderate-income, with a stable employment record and decent credit history. Participants qualify based on their need, ability to pay, and willingness to fulfill the “sweat equity” component: helping to build their future home or those of their Habitat neighbors. We also are helping families stay in their homes by repairing homes damaged by Hurricane Florence.
How We Work
We are a non-profit housing ministry that works with both government agencies and philanthropic donors to offer hard-working families “a hand up, not a hand out” to build equity, financial stability, and self-reliance through affordable homeownership and financial education.
Who We Serve
It’s clear there is a housing crisis burdening hard-working families in our communities. Affordable homeownership leads to better health, better education, and better neighborhoods. Cape Fear Habitat homes give families a path towards financial stability, strength, and self-reliance.
"It feels so good to own my own home and know that I worked hard for it. I can pass it on to my children and my grandchildren"